3.5-1762 10년, 8개월 전 Simplify asset copying code a little bit in DolphinEmulator.java
3.5-1761 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Clean up the function CopyAsset in DolphinEmulator.java.
3.5-1760 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Change the name of a variable in FolderBrowser.java to better reflect its purpose
3.5-1759 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Multi-language support (or at least the basic foundation of it).
3.5-1758 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Use a HashMap in PrefsFragment.java instead of two CharSequence arrays.
3.5-1757 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Seems like InputConfigFragment.java also had explicit list indexing. Removed it from here too.
3.5-1756 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Remove unnecessary explicit indexing of entries in a List within AboutFragment.java
3.5-1755 10년, 8개월 전 Software Renderer: Show each backend's display name instead of its short name in the config dialog.
3.5-1754 10년, 8개월 전 ShaderGen: Optimize out most function calls for uid generation.
3.5-1753 10년, 8개월 전 LightingShaderGen: Use macro magic instead of snprintf. Should fix performance problems.
3.5-1752 10년, 8개월 전 ShaderGen: Static inline everything.
3.5-1751 10년, 8개월 전 PixelShaderGen: Optimize shader uid data order.
3.5-1750 10년, 8개월 전 VertexShaderGen: Optimize shader uid data order.
3.5-1749 10년, 8개월 전 Main: Fix code that creates the BIOS subdirectories
3.5-1748 10년, 8개월 전 [Android] Fix OpenGL ES 3 detection on Nexus 10. Nexus 10 defaults to GLES1 context when not specified while Adreno defaults to GLES2. Thanks to Jeremy D Miller for noticing and finding out why this w...
3.5-1747 10년, 8개월 전 PixelShaderGen: Do not write depth in pixel shader if depth testing (and thus writing) is not enabled. Should improve performance quite a bit in some cases.
3.5-1746 10년, 8개월 전 [ARM] Add a few instructions.
3.5-1745 10년, 8개월 전 Main: Create BIOS subdirs of GC userdir on load
3.5-1744 10년, 8개월 전 Check for GC BIOS in userdir before sysdir
3.5-1743 10년, 8개월 전 Sync gameini ratings from the wiki. Fixes issue 6477.